Principled. Proven. Productive.
Exequiel B. Javier has served Antique for a number of years, holding a variety of roles and titles throughout his career. However, the first thing his friends and family will tell you is that he has never forgotten where he came from or what he has been fighting for. Committed to continue with the changes introduced since he first held office, Boy Ex, as he is fondly called, will keep advancing, always looking forward--beyond the horizon--making sure that Antique's growth and development will extend to succeeding generations, building a strong community that is united, solid and free. It is a legacy the Javiers carry since his older brother Evelio's engagement to public service in the mid 80s, which also led to his most untimely and tragic death.

Dynamic. Results-Oriented. Progressive.
Paolo Everardo S. Javier has served in the Philippine Congress as an outstanding Lone District Representative of Antique for three consecutive and productive terms, holding a variety of roles and titles throughout his service. Committed to see continuing change, steadfast growth and unhampered development in Antique, Paolo, running for the gubernatorial seat of Antique, maintains high standards in serving Antiqueños and will not stop until all these objectives are realized, actualized and enjoyed by every Antiqueño.

Antiqueño. Leader. Hero.
Evelio B. Javier was a brilliant young man who, at 28, became the the youngest governor of Antique in 1971. He also won with the largest margin in history. He was born on 31 October 1942 in Brgy. Lanag, now named after him, in Hamtic, Antique. He completed his grade school education in San Jose de Buenavista and graduated at the top rank in high school and college in Ateneo de Manila University. It was in Ateneo where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Government and earned his Bachelor of Laws at the Ateneo Law School in 1968. He passed the bar in the same year. Evelio Javier attended the JFK School of Government at Harvard University in 1981 on a scholarship instead of seeking re-election. Earning his Masters in Public Administration from Harvard, he ran for Assemblyman in the Batasang Pambansa and lost. Five years after his death, the Philippine Supreme Court declared him winner.