Others find us old-fashioned and they cannot be faulted for such observation. Rather, it is our deep sense of culture and profound respect for our roots that we mostly project; that could be the reason for our being "old-fashioned". Based on these characteristics, we have developed values that make us shine.
We unite for a good cause that will benefit the many. We do not like being lied to with flowery speeches, claims that have no proofs, and grand gestures that are fraught with schemes or innuendos. We are not that dumb. We stick to the truth as a people and unite to shun lies.
We love freedom. Liberty is something we cherish and would not give up for anything. Our history as freedom-loving citizens span from as far back as the pre-colonial times to the most recent, that which former Gov. Evelio B. Javier fought and died for.
As a people, we have singleness of purpose: continuing progress. We support continuing progress because we believe that we can positive returns through growth. The transformations we see around us are no small feat, they are the products of purposive acts from barangay councils to the Philippine Congress in decades.
