The Commission on Elections (Comelec) prepared the ballot face templates from the list of running senators down to municipal councilors--a total of 31 candidates in all for Antique. Each Antiqueño or Antiqueña will have to make his/her choice as to the type of leader he/she wants, based on the candidate's character, leadership ability, and God-fearing qualities. This May 13th we shall all march to our precincts to make our decision final and be counted. But are we ready?
We provide you the links from the COMELEC of every municipality from north to south of Antique. Download PDF file according to your municipality; choose your best candidate; and mark your choices.
Anini-y | Barbaza | Belison | Bugasong | Caluya | Culasi | Hamtic | Laua-an | Libertad | Pandan | Patnongon | San Jose de Buenavista | San Remigio | Sebaste | Sibalom | Tibiao | Tobias Fornier (Dao) | Valderama / (Source: Comelec)
Be prepared. It is the best way to beat the confusion come voting day. Go to your polling place with the calm and confidence of a student ready for the final test. You have your own list of chosen candidates. You will not rely on the sample ballots pre-decided for you.

Vote wisely. The candidates you choose will determine the direction of your life for the next three to six years so make sure you place someone who is of good moral character, a God-fearing man or woman. He must be a man of one wife or a woman of one husband, who loves his or her children. He or she must also be someone you can approach anytime.
Vital tips to remember:
1. Shade the oval beside the name of the candidate you choose. The list of your chosen candidates will be a great help when you vote.
2. Do not shade more than what is required in the indicated position.
3. Do not leave any stray marks on your ballot; it might confuse the machine, especially if the marks are close to the names.
4. Pray that God guide your choices.
5. Pray that God guide our province and our nation forward.